7 Parenting Habits for Raising Happy and Successful Children
Parenting. Possibly the most wonderfully rewarding and heart-wrenchingly challenging role a person will ever have. As if being fully responsible for another human’s life isn’t enough, parents then have to teach their children how to be happy and successful in an uncertain world. And if
10 Ways to Build Your Self-Esteem in the Workplace
While many are too ashamed to admit it, the number of people experiencing low self-esteem in the workplace is significant. People with low self-esteem often spend a large part of their day comparing themselves to others in the office. They perceive themselves and worry others
The Millionaire Mindset: 10 Ways to Train Your Brain for Success
Looking at the most successful people in the world, it would be quite natural to ask, “What is it they have that other people don’t?”. At this point, some people might say they had a privileged upbringing, with access to the best education and social/business
How to Use Social Media to Land Your Dream Job
(Originally written by Zeta Yarwood, Career Coach and Life Coach, for Khaleej Times Online The invention of the internet has created quite the juxtaposition for job seekers today. The dramatic increase in accessibility to jobs worldwide has also meant an exponential increase in applications
How to be Ultra-likeable and Instantly Popular in 11 Simple Steps
Have you ever noticed how some people instantly make friends everywhere they go? Almost as if they have some amazing magnetic power, irresistible to any human within a 20-mile radius. While most assume these people were born with this unique characteristic that makes them ultra-likeable,
Productive People Avoid These 9 Time-Wasters Like the Plague
How successful you are, both in your career and at home, is hugely dependent on how productive you are. It’s your productivity that will determine the results you get and what you achieve. This will determine how much and how quickly you keep moving forward
8 Tips for Staying Motivated When You’re Not Enjoying Your Job
Most people go through a period of demotivation at work or in their career at some point. It’s normal. Gallup’s most recent statistics indicate that nearly 70% of people are not engaged at work. So if you’re worried you’re the only one, you’re not. Not
The Workplace Habits Stopping Your Career in its Tracks
It has been proposed by a number of psychologists and behaviour theorists that 97% of our behaviour is subconscious. This means that 97% of the time we are on autopilot – reacting, making decisions and behaving out of habit rather than conscious thought. These could
The LinkedIn Mistakes You’re Making Damaging Your Reputation – and Career
To make the most effective use of LinkedIn, it’s important to understand what LinkedIn is. LinkedIn at its core is simply a tool. A tool that essentially allows you to do two key things. First, it gives you a platform on which you can market
Networking: 9 Reasons Why it is ESSENTIAL for Success
Networking. We all know we should be doing it. But similar to going to the gym or starting a diet, it’s something that many of us dread rather than get excited about. As a result it’s something we avoid like the plague. Or we partake in it, but
Sleep Deprivation: The Silent Career Killer (plus 11 Tip for Deeper Sleep)
The relationship between sleep and cognitive function (concentration, memory, learning, reasoning etc.) has been at the heart of much psychological research for over a century. Google Scholar alone lists more than 3 million studies investigating the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function, dated as
The Secrets to Writing a Great CV: the Dos and Dont’s of Exceptional CV Writing
The average recruiter spends between 5 and 7 seconds looking at a CV. Yes, you read that correctly. 5 to 7 seconds. If during that time they like what they see, they might spend another 30 – 90 seconds reading it in more detail. What does
8 Morning Habits of Happy and Successful People
“Start as you mean to go on!”. A saying that, while over 200 years old, is still used as a mantra by many of the world’s most successful people today. But why? Research has shown that starting your day in the best possible way not
Get That Promotion Faster Using These 10 Simple Tips
Speak to a large number of professionals about their career goals and career advancement and promotion will be top of their list. For some it’s about reward and recognition. For others it’s about learning, growth or having new challenges. Whatever your reason, if you’re hungry
8 Tips for Job Seekers When Recruitment is Slow
The summer can often be a frustratingly slow time for active job seekers. As hiring managers and key decision-makers go on vacation during July and August, the recruitment process can almost grind to a halt in some companies. While the slow-down might seem like a
9 Steps to Better Work-Life Balance
Success and fulfilment come when all aspects of our lives are in balance. We are able to look at our careers, relationships, hobbies, finances, personal development, physical environment, social lives, spirituality and/or religion, emotional well-being and health and say, “I am happy in every area”.
How to Instantly Live a Happy Life In 8 Simple Steps
The pursuit of happiness. A quest that almost everyone in the world is on. But with very few of us having ever been given a map, it’s no surprise it often feels like we’re on a never-ending journey to a non-existent land. If the education
7 Things Confident People Do Differently
Do you sometimes wish you were more confident? Don’t worry. You are not alone. Over 65% of people have experienced a lack of confidence at some point in their lives. It is often believed that some individuals are born with confidence and as a result are naturally
How to Overcome the Fear of a Career Change
Statistics have shown an average of 60% of professionals dream about making a career change. Sadly, less than 10% actually go through with it. The biggest obstacle standing in their way? Fear. Fear is an emotion induced by perceived danger or threat. To overcome fear,
Discover the Right Career for You in 6 Simple Steps
(This blog post was written exclusively for Al Arabiya English, the world’s most visited Arab news website.) A huge 65% of my clients reach out to me because they feel stuck in a job or career they no longer enjoy. One common factor that often