12 Signs You’re On the Edge of Total Burnout and Don’t Even Know It
Burnout is, by definition, a state of persistent exhaustion. Mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. Normally occurring after a long period of stress. For many, this can ultimately lead to either extreme feelings of overwhelm or depression. It was November last year when I experienced burnout
5 Reasons Why I Decided to Fast this Ramadan
Having lived in Dubai for almost 10 years, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Ramadan 9 times. I will admit in the beginning I didn’t really understand it. To me, it was simply a month of not being allowed to eat or drink in
10 Signs You’re Not Ready for a Leadership Position – Yet
Thanks to the evolution of social media, the lives of the rich (and famous) are out there for all to see. Many great leaders, who were once out of sight, are now openly sharing their stories of wealth and success. Inspiring more and more people
Still Looking for a Job? 8 Steps to Staying Motivated
Looking for a job should be exciting. But for many it’s extremely stressful. Particularly if you’ve just lost your job or are desperate to leave a job you hate. I’ve written before about my own experiences of being made redundant and how I dealt with it. It was
Feeling Stuck? How to Get ‘Unstuck’ in 5 Easy Steps
I’ve written a few times about when I felt most stuck in my life. The year was 2011 and I was 30. I was working in agency-side recruitment in sales – which I hated. And I was in a relationship with a man who, while
4 Life Skills Children Need to be Taught at Home and in Schools
My parents are great people. I love them dearly and, as an adult, I have a great relationship with both of them. While they are great people, they weren’t always great parents. And I will admit during my teens and early twenties a part of
Is Finding a Sense of Purpose the True Key to Happiness?
Not many people know I had clinical depression from the age of 17 to 23. I had a hormonal injection which left me crying every single day for an entire year. Unfortunately, even though the hormonal effects subsided, the negative thinking patterns and lack of
7 Myths About Confidence Making You Unnecessarily Doubt Yourself
It’s funny what you remember from your childhood years. Particularly when you go back and think about how confident you used to be. I have memories of being 5 years old in the school playground, always assuming a leadership role in whatever game we had
Worried About Money? 15 Practical Tips to Help Manage Your Financial Stress
Money is one of the biggest sources of stress for many people. In fact, a recent study by the APA (American Psychological Association) found that 72% of Americans stated they were stressed about money at some point throughout the month. Making it the No. 1
Learn How to Say “No” Before You Kill Yourself and Your Career
Bad habits. We all have them. Behaviours we do that we know on a conscious level don’t serve us. But on a subconscious level absolutely meet our needs. You have the obviously bad ones. The ones that have a recognised negative impact your physical or
Top 7 Life Challenges You’ll Face and How to Deal with Them
My theme for February has been overcoming challenges. I’ve written several articles covering some common challenges we often face. How to deal with job loss. How to stop being a slave to technology for better work-life balance. How to manage your emotions at work. There
Manage Your Emotions Before You Permanently Damage Your Career and Life
Many years ago, I went through a break-up. We’d been together 6 years. Longer than some of the married couples we knew. Without going into detail, I can say it was an emotional time. And I will readily confess – I didn’t cope with it
Are You a Slave to Your Mobile or Laptop? Break Free – Starting Today
I remember one evening about 18 months ago, I was working on my laptop in front of the TV when my mobile started to ring. It was a number I didn’t recognise, but I picked it up anyway. The caller was a gentleman who wanted
How Being Made Redundant Could Be the Best Thing to Happen to You
(Warning – this is the longest post I have ever written. Probably because it is has come from my core. I genuinely hope you take the time to read all of it. I think it will be worth it.) It was May 2006 when I
10 Most Harmful Thoughts Stopping Your Success and Happiness
The pursuit of happiness. A mission which most of us are on. Many people believe it is our circumstances that determine our happiness and success. However, Anthony Robbins has firmly stated success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. Meaning if you don’t have the life
How to Figure Out What You Want in 2017 and in Life!
The start of a new year can be quite daunting for some. People are talking about their New Year’s Resolutions and goals for 2017. Around the office, socially and at home. Many seemingly hungry, focused and determined. For those who have no idea about what
Finding a Hobby, or Career, You’re Passionate About
Do you ever feel like sometimes you’re just existing? Going through the motions of daily life – getting up, going to work, coming home, watching Netflix, going to bed? Living each day as if on autopilot? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. Sad
How to Calm Your Overactive Mind and Fall Asleep Faster
If you find it difficult to fall asleep because your brain won’t switch off, you’re not alone. Excessive thinking at night is one of the most common causes of insomnia. More often than not, it’s a sign of stress. Your mind is on high alert,
The 3 Ps of Perfecting Your Job Interview
It often surprises me when I meet someone who looks great on paper, but falls flat as a pancake in a job interview. How can someone who can articulate themselves so well on their CV, fail to do so well face-to-face? I started to analyse
6 Traits of Positive vs Negative Thinkers
Most people aren’t aware thinking can be addictive. When we’re not actively engaging in the world around us, thinking can give us a feeling of importance and significance. If we’re not thinking about ourselves and our lives, who else will? If our problems weren’t important