Your Career Path is Your Responsibility – Not Your Employer’s
Are you waiting for your employer to decide your career path for you? A company reached out to me last year for career coaching for an employee. She was demotivated and underperforming and her negative attitude was affecting the team. They had placed her in

How to Negotiate a Salary Increase (Even in a Recession)
Negotiating a salary increase can be daunting, even at the best of times. During a recession, it can become even harder. You don’t want to seem greedy or ungrateful, and at the same time, you want to advocate for yourself and be fairly compensated for

Recession Preparation – How to Not Just Survive But Thrive in Uncertain Times
Some say a recession is coming. Others, particularly those who’ve recently been laid off, might say it is already here. While it’s impossible to predict what the future holds one thing’s for sure: times are uncertain. We can’t stop a recession or control when it

Feeling Lonely? How to Deal with Loneliness (Part 2)
(Part 1 – Are You Lonely? How The Pain of Loneliness is Driving Us to Distraction (Part 1) Loneliness. A human experience most of us have or will face in our lifetime. Redundancy. Divorce. Leadership. Relocating. Outgrowing our friends. Outliving our families. All can leave us

Are You Lonely? How The Pain of Loneliness is Driving Us to Distraction (Part 1)
As I sat in the airport waiting for my flight to the UK last August, a sadness washed over me. I had just said goodbye to my best friend while she was getting ready to leave Dubai. For good. While thinking about her, I realised

The REAL Reason You’re Stuck. And How to Get Moving Forward Again.
Feeling stuck? Don’t worry. Most of us have felt stuck at some point in our lives. While it’s easy to question ourselves, and go down a spiral of self-doubt and self-blame. You might find comfort in knowing – it’s not necessarily your fault. Parents.

Applying for Jobs Online with No Success? Try Doing This Instead.
“I’ve applied to hundreds of jobs online and not got a single interview. I don’t know what else to do!” Sound familiar? Looking for a new job can be challenging. And when you’re applying for jobs online and getting no response, it can be particularly

Procrastination: 9 Ways to Stop Putting Things Off – Starting Now
Most of us have experienced procrastination at some point. Putting something off right until the last minute. Or avoiding it entirely. Always choosing to do something easier, more comfortable or more pleasurable instead. I will happily admit I procrastinated recently. Over making my first LinkedIn video. Being

Corporate Life: 9 Signs You Were Destined For Something Else
Most of us grew up believing life has a set path. Go to school. Go to college. Get a job. Climb the corporate ladder. Reach the top. Retire at 65. Corporate life was the norm and for many, expected. However, we’ve now moved into a new era.

Decision Time: How to Make a Difficult Decision in 6 Simple Steps
We’ve all been there. Those times where we need to make a ‘big’ decision. Whether or not to quit our jobs. Start a business. Get married. Get divorced. Buy a house. Move to a new city or country. A decision so big the fear of

5 Leadership Challenges Most Leaders Face But Don’t Want to Talk About
Many professionals dream of being leaders. Being able to create change. Make an impact. To inspire and motivate teams to all move in one direction for “the greater good”. To potentially achieve what nobody else has achieved before. But with such accomplishment comes great responsibility.

Take Control of Your Career Development in 4 Surefire Steps
According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, we now spend nearly 50% of our waking hours working. 8.56 hours a day during the week. And an additional 5.48 hours on a weekend. And for many, it’s much more than this. Considering we spend so much of

Job Interviews: Top 9 Things Interviewers REALLY look for
When I ask my clients what is the purpose of job interviews, 9 times out of 10 they will reply, “To show the employer I can do the job.”. While partly true, this isn’t the real purpose of job interviews. An employer can see from your CV whether

11 Promises Highly Successful People Make to Themselves Every Day
According to the WHO, the average life expectancy of a human being in a developed country is 76.8 years. I am currently 36.6 years old. So if these stats are correct, I have approximately 40.2 years left before I cark it. Now I don’t know

12 Things You Need to Know Before You Start a Business
People’s attitudes towards career have dramatically changed over the last 20 years. It used to be the case that working for a leading multinational company was the ultimate career goal. Now, with significant advances in technology, e-commerce and social media, there has been a dramatic shift.

9 Reasons to Make Travelling an Essential Part of Your Personal Development
Personal development is fundamental to both success and happiness. If you want to achieve more, you need to become more. And if you want to be happy and fulfilled, research has shown you must continuously meet your need for growth. If personal development isn’t on

Should You Quit Your Job? 10 Things to Consider Before You Do
In my article last week, I wrote about the tell-tale signs you’re approaching burnout. Whether you’re approaching burnout or simply overwhelmingly demotivated, it is natural to question if you should quit your job. And the temptation to throw in the towel and walk away can be hard to

Overthinking: How to Stop This Destructive Habit in 9 Simple Ways
Overthinking is like cancer to the mind. Thoughts that should be fleeting become stuck. Growing in size and severity. Seemingly multiplying and being played on repeat, circling the mind again and again. Starving the brain of time, energy and space to think of anything else.

My Ramadan Fasting Experience: 9 Life-Changing Lessons Learned and Remembered
It’s Sunday June 25th 2017. I’m sitting on the porch of the small cottage I am renting for the next three days in Bali. The sky is grey. Fog is rising over the hills. The rain is pouring down. And it is glorious. Listening to

9 Signs You Are Living a Career Lie (and what to do about it)
In my previous article “10 Most Harmful Thoughts Stopping Your Success and Happiness”, I wrote one of the most dangerous thoughts we have is “what will other people think?”. This thought is responsible for 87% of people choosing a career that looks or sounds good